Coronavirus may inflict the same damage as heart attacks:
- Study finds disturbing signs of the infection's cardiac effects in more than 75% of survivors
- Two studies by German researchers found disturbing signs of heart damage in people who survived or died of coronavirus
- More than 75% of survivors had high levels of a protein in their blood that typically indicates someone has suffered a heart attack
- In people who died after contracting coronavirus, more than 60% had virus in their heart muscle, showing the coronavirus directly infects cardica muscle
It's become clear that the respiratory virus also attacks the cardiovascular system, as well as numerous other organs, including the kidneys and brain, but the new studies shed light on worrying damage to the heart itself.
One German study found that 78 percent of patients who recovered from COVID-19 were left with structural changes to their heart, and 76 of the 100 survivors showed signs of the kind of damage a heart attack leaves.
A second study, also conducted in Germany, found that more than half of people who died after contracting COVID-19 had high levels of the virus in their hearts.
It's not yet clear how long the damage might last, or how it might, in practice, increase survivors' risks of heart attack, stroke or other life-threatening cardiovascular issues, but the studies may help explain why even previously healthy survivors are left weak and fatigued for weeks or months.
Beyond that, the authors and experts equally urge that doctors may need to monitor the heart health of COVID-19 patients long after they've cleared the virus.
Led by researchers at University Hospital Frankfurt in Germany, the first study examined measures of cardiac health in 100 people who had survived coronavirus infection.
Fifty of the study participants were healthy prior to contracting coronavirus. Another 57 who were otherwise similar (in terms of age, race and gender) had risk factors for heart problems.
The researchers could see signs of heart damage in MRIs taken of 78 out of the 100 survivors.
Nearly as many - 76 percent - had high levels of a protein called troponin, comparable to what is seen in a person who has suffered a heart attack.
Sixty of the participants had signs of heart inflammation, even though it had been 71 days, on average, since they'd been diagnosed with coronavirus.
In the second study, the researchers from University Heart and Vascular Centre, in Hamburg, Germany, analyzed heart tissue from 39 people who died of after catching coronavirus. Of those 39, pneumonia from COVID-19 was listed as the cause of death for 35.
The patients' hearts were not quite damaged or infected enough to qualify for acute myocarditis, a severe viral infection of the heart, most had clear signs that the virus had reached their hearts.
The scientists found virus in heart tissue taken from 24 of the coronavirus victims.
Sixteen had high concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 in their hearts, and the scientists found signs that the virus was actively replicating itself inside the tissue up until the patients' deaths.
Doctors in the US have noticed a disturbing trend of heart problems in coronavirus patients.
Even young people with no history of high blood pressure or other risk factors have suffered heart attacks and strokes at alarming rates after contracting coronavirus.
But the effects of coronavirus upon the body have proven so disparate and widespread, often involving a domino effect of issues, it has remained hard to say if the virus is directly affecting the heart.
With the new pair of studies, it's starting to look a though the attacks may be more direct than previously thought.
'These new findings provide intriguing evidence that COVID-19 is associated with at least some component of myocardial injury, perhaps as the result of direct viral infection of the heart,' wrote Northwestern University and UCLA cardiologists Dr Clyde Yancy andDr Gregg Fonarow in an editorial accompanying the studies in JAMA Cardiology.
'We see the plot thickening and we are inclined to raise a new and very evident concern that cardiomyopathy and heart failure related to COVID-19 may potentially evolve as the natural history of this infection becomes clearer.'
They added that if more research continues to provide similar findings, the COVID-19 pandemic could trigger a wave of heart problems down the line.
If that happens, 'then the crisis of COVID-19 will not abate but will instead shift to a new de novo incidence of heart failure and other chronic cardiovascular complications,' the commentators wrote.
Source: Daily Mail (28 July 2020)
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Coronavirus boleh menyebabkan kerosakan yang sama dengan serangan jantung:
- Kajian mendapati tanda-tanda mengganggu kesan jantung jangkitan pada lebih daripada 75% mangsa yang selamat
- Dua kajian oleh penyelidik Jerman mendapati tanda-tanda kerosakan jantung yang mengganggu pada orang yang terselamat atau mati akibat coronavirus
- Lebih daripada 75% mangsa mempunyai tahap protein yang tinggi dalam darah mereka yang biasanya menunjukkan seseorang telah mengalami serangan jantung
- Pada orang yang mati setelah dijangkiti koronavirus, lebih dari 60% mempunyai virus di otot jantung mereka, menunjukkan koronavirus secara langsung menjangkiti otot jantung
Coronavirus boleh menyebabkan jantung mendapat kerosakan yang berpanjangan dan berbahaya, dua kajian baru mencadangkan.
Sudah jelas bahawa virus pernafasan juga menyerang sistem kardiovaskular, serta banyak organ lain, termasuk ginjal dan otak, tetapi kajian baru menjelaskan kerosakan jantung yang membimbangkan.
Satu kajian di Jerman mendapati bahawa 78 peratus pesakit yang pulih dari COVID-19 ditinggalkan dengan perubahan struktur pada jantung mereka, dan 76 dari 100 orang yang selamat menunjukkan tanda-tanda jenis kerosakan akibat serangan jantung.
Kajian kedua, yang juga dilakukan di Jerman, mendapati bahawa lebih daripada separuh orang yang mati setelah dijangkiti COVID-19 mempunyai tahap virus yang tinggi di hati mereka.
Masih belum jelas berapa lama kerosakan itu dapat bertahan, atau bagaimana, dalam praktiknya, dapat meningkatkan risiko serangan jantung, strok atau masalah kardiovaskular yang mengancam nyawa, tetapi kajian itu dapat membantu menjelaskan mengapa mangsa yang sihat sebelumnya masih lemah dan letih selama beberapa minggu atau bulan.
Di luar itu, penulis dan pakar juga mendesak agar doktor perlu memantau kesihatan jantung pesakit COVID-19 lama setelah mereka membersihkan virus tersebut.
Diketuai oleh penyelidik di University Hospital Frankfurt di Jerman, kajian pertama meneliti langkah-langkah kesihatan jantung pada 100 orang yang terselamat dari jangkitan koronavirus.
Lima puluh peserta kajian sihat sebelum dijangkiti coronavirus. 57 lagi yang serupa (dari segi usia, bangsa dan jantina) mempunyai faktor risiko masalah jantung.
Para penyelidik dapat melihat tanda-tanda kerosakan jantung pada MRI yang diambil daripada 78 daripada 100 yang terselamat.
Hampir sebanyak - 76 persen - mempunyai kadar protein yang tinggi yang disebut troponin, setanding dengan apa yang dilihat pada orang yang mengalami serangan jantung.
Enam puluh peserta mempunyai tanda-tanda radang jantung, walaupun sudah 71 hari, rata-rata, sejak mereka didiagnosis dengan coronavirus.
Dalam kajian kedua, para penyelidik dari Pusat Jantung dan Vaskular Universiti, di Hamburg, Jerman, menganalisis tisu jantung dari 39 orang yang meninggal dunia setelah terkena coronavirus. Daripada 39 itu, radang paru-paru dari COVID-19 disenaraikan sebagai penyebab kematian bagi 35 orang.
Hati pesakit tidak cukup rusak atau cukup dijangkiti untuk memenuhi syarat untuk miokarditis akut, jangkitan virus jantung yang teruk, kebanyakan mempunyai tanda-tanda yang jelas bahawa virus telah sampai ke jantung mereka.
Para saintis menemui virus dalam tisu jantung yang diambil dari 24 mangsa koronavirus.
Enam belas mempunyai kepekatan SARS-CoV-2 yang tinggi di hati mereka, dan para saintis menemui tanda-tanda bahawa virus itu aktif mereplikasi dirinya di dalam tisu sehingga kematian pesakit.
Doktor di AS memerhatikan trend masalah jantung yang mengganggu pada pesakit coronavirus.
Malah orang muda yang tidak mempunyai sejarah tekanan darah tinggi atau faktor risiko lain mengalami serangan jantung dan strok pada kadar yang membimbangkan setelah dijangkiti koronavirus.
Tetapi kesan coronavirus pada tubuh telah terbukti sangat berbeza dan meluas, sering kali melibatkan kesan domino dari masalah, masih sukar untuk mengatakan apakah virus itu secara langsung menyerang jantung.
Dengan sepasang kajian baru, ia kelihatan seolah-olah serangan mungkin lebih langsung daripada yang difikirkan sebelumnya.
"Penemuan baru ini memberikan bukti menarik bahawa COVID-19 dikaitkan dengan sekurang-kurangnya beberapa komponen kecederaan miokardium, mungkin sebagai akibat jangkitan virus jantung secara langsung," tulis Northwestern University dan pakar kardiologi UCLA Dr Clyde Yancy dan Dr Gregg Fonarow dalam sebuah editorial mengiringi pengajian dalam JAMA Cardiology.
"Kami melihat plot semakin menebal dan kami cenderung untuk menimbulkan kebimbangan baru dan sangat jelas bahawa kardiomiopati dan kegagalan jantung yang berkaitan dengan COVID-19 berpotensi berkembang ketika sejarah semula jadi jangkitan ini menjadi lebih jelas."
Mereka menambah bahawa jika lebih banyak penyelidikan terus memberikan penemuan serupa, pandemi COVID-19 dapat mencetuskan gelombang masalah jantung.
Sekiranya itu berlaku, 'maka krisis COVID-19 tidak akan mereda tetapi sebaliknya akan beralih kepada insiden kegagalan jantung baru dan komplikasi kardiovaskular kronik yang lain,' tulis para pengulas.
Sumber: Daily Mail (28 Julai 2020)
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